An overview of al major updates to the pr.co platform, new features we've launched, etc.
News releases
PR.co launches Zapier Integration: Unlock the power of automation
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new Zapier integration, opening up our software to the rest of the world and bringing endless automation possibilities to our PR.co users around the world.
pr.co launches newsroom solution for fast-growing brands
With an increasing number of our customers growing from promising startups to IPO, we have taken our newsrooms back to the drawing board. The result is a newsroom with more functionalities to help ...
Product update: Spokesperson management, events, and branded emails.
pr.co customers can enjoy a host of new features including enhanced Spokespeople management, a new events feature, branded follower emails, and a new branded distribution layout.
Now available: Clipping Enrichment
From now on when you add your Clippings we'll make sure to automatically find all the relevant meta information for each article.
Newsroom-wide search now available!
Instead of just finding press releases your newsrooms' search bar now returns all potentially relevant information.
Product Update: New Campaign editor and collaboration
Working together on writing your campaigns has never been this easy.